The following is a meditation that anyone can use because every person has these qualities.  You have these qualities.  Whether you think of these as “fruits of the Holy Spirit,” innate Buddha qualities, or something else, it is worthwhile to get acquainted with yourself, and ponder your purpose.  Read the following list as a meditation about yourself.  Ask yourself what you would add to this list.


  1. I have a song so I can be singing.


  1. I have serenity so I can be peace-filled.


  1. I have detachment so I can be centered and calm.


  1. I have lightheartedness so I can be relaxed.


  1. I have inner joy so I can be joyous.


  1. I have a sense of humor so I can be laughing.


  1. I have playfulness so I can be amused.


  1. I have mindfulness so I can be aware.


  1. I have perception so I can be discerning.


  1. I have wisdom so I can be wise.


  1. I have intelligence so I can be enlightened.


  1. I have insight so I can be intuitive and seeing beyond appearances.


  1. I have creativity so I can be creating.


  1. I have sensitivity so I can be considerate.


  1. I have empathy so I can be empathetic.


  1. I have thoughtfulness so I can be kind.


  1. I have compassion so I can be compassionate.


  1. I have gentleness so I can be caring.


  1. I have generosity so I can be giving.


  1. I have gratefulness so I can be appreciative.


  1. I have patience so I can be patient.


  1. I have courage so I can be continuing.


  1. I have steadfastness so I can be steadfast.


  1. I have fortitude so I can be strong.


  1. I have perseverance so I can be overcoming.


  1. I have hope so I can be confident.


  1. I have willfulness so I can be determined.


  1. I have watchfulness so I can be vigilant.


  1. I have freewill so I can be choosing.


  1. I have faithfulness so I can be loyal.


  1. I have integrity so I can be honest.


  1. I have a sense of fairness so I can be just.


  1. I have awe so I can be reverent.


  1. I have a deep well so I can be loving.


  1. I have goodness so I can be amazed at me.


  1. I have wholeness so I can be complete (holy, whole, sacred).


  1. I have inquisitiveness so I can be seeking.


  1. I have a journey so I can be discovering.


  1. I have a sense of direction so I can be on track.


  1. I have trust so I can be walking on water.


I have opportunities and abundance so I can be expressing me.  I have many gifts so I can be becoming. 




Slide show, music, and folders on my main page.






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Spirit of Wisdom,

Peace, and Renewal,

enlighten us

and bring harmony

to our lives,

and make the whole world





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5 Responses to KNOW THYSELF

  1. Jorge Medico says:

    I hope life is treating you well, and that your April showers will soon turn to May flowers.
    Be well,

  2. Jorge medico says:

    Thanks for the good wishes. Things are getting better 🙂
    Be well yourself,

  3. Jorge Medico says:

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a kind word.
    Be well,

  4. Jorge Medico says:

    I just moved my site from Spaces. Nice to find you here again. Be well,

  5. Judith says:

    Hello my Friend, great seeing you here, you have an awesome site. I’m planning to make the change, perhaps today, I’ll let you know. God’s Blessings, my thoughts and prayers are with you always..

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